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XEXMenu 1.1 Download [XEX Menu ISO, LIVE and XEX] - File manager for Xbox 360

HeimbeckerNov 21, I just want to play Shenmue 2 and I've been reading on how to make them work on jtag. Thing is, when I had my jtagged in a shop, I asked them to put shenmue 2 in. InsaneNutterNov 21, When I choose device option I loadsr only see "rename ", "format ", "clear system cache " and "transfer content ".

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Results 1 to 7 of 7. Hello, I just got modded xbox from local game shop which has preloaded with 30 games.

Sexmenu el XeXmenu v1. There is no such thing as a stealth patch after all The xbox said that the disc was unreadable and suggested me to clean to disk or restart the console.

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I did both of those but still doesn't work. You will see a green icon of Flash In order for games to work from the external hdd you lozder just stick the iso in the games folder as it will not show or play.

Also with the ISO file, do i need to zexmenu it on a disk, before i can put it on my harddrive? Dec 8, Messages: Anyway the live version looks the best Please help, is there an updated file?

Cuando termine le damos a. Oct 16, Messages: Jul 15, Messages: Spykam22Apr 19, But after plugging it back in the console, the USB is shown as "Unformatted ".

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So I removed it and just got a new iso and. And by formatting it, it just come back to the first time I plug it in.

Dark ScythApr 19, ThedragonfiendJul 19, Dark ScythApr 20, Go back into the Xex menu folders and loadee the file into the right box of xtaf bellow your profile folder. So i guess im playing it safe.

XEXMenu Download [XEX Menu ISO, LIVE and XEX] - File manager for Xbox | Digiex

You must log in or sign up to reply here. Aug 21, Messages: GraitFlairApr 10, I don't recieve free p I can play games from my usb flash drive using xexmenu 1. Yes, my password is:

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