Sunday, December 8, 2019


The system now adaptively computes the tolerance value to achieve optimal force balance between the workpiece and dies. New examples have been added to the DATA folder. Geometry points of the slave die must see a master geometry segment for the rigid die contact to be active. Typical location of this log file is On PC C: This new system can handle multiple operations and multiple passes within each operation. Local viewport settings are now maintained in the current session, while the global settings are maintained across the sessions. deform 3d v10.2

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Unless these are installed with earlier versions it is now mandatory to install 32 bit Mpich1 v1. This issue has been addressed in 2d v This would turn off thermal smoothing on tet mesh models.

More studies and improvements are underway to make this penalty number handling fully adaptive. This update also accounts for more accurate energy and die load predictions.

deform 3d v10.2

F2, F3, F23 v User routine support is discontinued for Absoftf90 versions v7. License Manager, Product and Password compatibility chart 1.

For both 2D and 3D user routine support now includes Absoftf90 v9.

Deform 3d v10 crack

The reported issue existed up to v Within one damage model user can define initial data and evolution of micro void size, number of micro voids, fraction of coalescence and total porosity at the element level using this new micro void damage model.

More checks and cleanup procedures have been added to the v1.2 scripts used in running the model.

Typical location of this log file is On PC C: The system now adaptively computes the tolerance value to achieve optimal force balance between the workpiece and dies. This reported issue was more pronounced in cluster environments. This module can read existing 2d machining distortion project files while in 2d mode.

Starting in 3d v6.


This remained as the default setting until version 3dv6. Details on the license manager version, product version and password compatibility details are given at veform end of this document. ABB Control builder M. The user needs to select either 2d mode or 3d mode to start with and this product has no 2d3d converter yet.

New examples have been added to the DATA folder. This will be available with official v This functionality is undergoing continuous improvement and updates will continue to be available. DAT in the working folder. EXE has been updated to handle database structure changes. Defrom extension were allowed.


The reported issue was observed in v More features have been added with respect to boundary conditions, including pressure and distortion free boundary conditions. New features and latest developments will continue to become available in this v This model is designed to operate on six pre-defined key files representing current specimen structure and is designed to handle only the crack opening mode.

Due to the major enhancements in DB structure to include new features and functional improvements resulting from several ongoing developments, database structure in version11 is not compatible with v The following is a discussion of this issue. Geometry points of the slave die must see a master geometry segment for the rigid die contact to be active.

deform 3d v10.2

For given initial nodal microstructural parameters and defined recrystallization kinetics, evolving drform such as grain size, number of grains, dislocation density and resulting instantaneous flow stress can be computed using this functionality.

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