Wednesday, December 11, 2019


References Background ETOPO5 Earth Topography - 5 Minute digital average land and sea floor elevations were assembled from several uniformly gridded data bases into a worldwide gridded data set with a grid spacing of 5 minutes of latitude by 5 minutes of longitude. Data values, in whole meters, represent the elevation of the center of each cell. These various data bases were originally assembled in into the worldwide 5-minute grid by Margo Edwards, then at Washington University, St. Once the function finds a case-insensitive file name match, it reads the data. With GLIS, you may review metadata, determine product availability, and place online requests for products. Accuracy of the data set is hard to define, due to the disparate sources of the data. Navy Fleet Numerical Oceanographic Center. etopo5.dat

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Very little detail is contained in the oceanic data shallower than m; the interpolation algorithm used by the US Navy to create the oceanic grid from contour charts was set to an arbitrary cutoff of m wherever the algorithm would have "overshot" and marked points as above sea level. All oceanic data are coded at least -1 m; land data are at 0 or greater, except where lake bottoms or other landlocked features go below sea level Dead Sea, Death Valley, and in central Australia.

Index of /arch/noaa/relief/relief/topo/etopo5

The land elevations of the conterminous United States, Japan, and Western Europe were compiled from gridded data supplied by the Defense Mapping Agency. ETOPO1, the most recent model, has an Ice Surface version showing the top of the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets and a Bedrock version showing the bedrock below the ice sheets. These various data bases were originally assembled in into the worldwide 5-minute grid by Margo Edwards, then at Washington University, St.

The file may be thought of as having a logical record size of bytes. The st starts the latitude band for 89 deg 55' N, and so on. Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. Each byte tape block contains all data values for a 5-min band of latitude, arranged in order of increasing eastward longitude. Data values, in whole meters, represent the elevation of the center of each cell. Find Geospatial Data Online.


The resolution of the gridded etolo5.dat varies from true 5-minute for the ocean floors, the USA. Each record starts at longitude 0 degrees 0 minutes East and ends at degrees 55 minutes East.

Otherwise, the etopo function searches the current folder for the data. Data values are given to the nearest whole meter.

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DAT is in "normal," or hi-byte-first order, as used by Macintosh, Sun, and some other workstations. See Also gtopo30 tbase usgsdem. ETOPO5 data values are positive for above sea level and negative for below. Select the China site in Chinese or English etopo5.sat best site performance. The file contains 2, records, starting at the North Pole and stepping southward. Oceanic bathymetry was compiled by the U. When samplefactor is an integer n greater than one, the etopo function returns every n th point.

With GLIS, you may review metadata, determine product availability, and place online requests for products. There is NO record for the South Pole elevation m. Naval Oceanographic Office, and revised by them in The balance of the land elevations were interpolated from minute gridded modal height data from the U.

Wtopo5.dat for Obtaining Data. For more information on tape formats refer to the Appendix. Select a Web Site Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers.

Index of /arch/noaa/relief/relief/topo/etopo5

Global Geographic Information Systems. Trial Software Product Updates. Based on your location, we recommend that you select: Several individual data points on land have been corrected to remove etipo5.dat errors. Other MathWorks country sites are not optimized for visits from your location. Specify the limits of the desired data as two-element vectors of latitude, latlimand longitude, lonlimin degrees.


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